
一世s your instructor-led training material ready for eLearning? Explore the 4 key steps to be followed to convert your training material to high impact eLearning.


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在持续的大流行之后,许多大小组织都希望将他们的教师主导的培训(ILT)材料转换为电子学习课程,以进行有效的培训。但是,需要理解的是,课堂材料不能仅仅将材料导入到创作工具中,以作为电子学习课程出版。电子学习, to be effective, needs to offer substantial engagement and interactivities to draw learners into action and retain their attention throughout the course.




  • Sound instructional design
  • The ability to incorporate the essence of the classroom into eLearning
  • 快速开发和创作工具方面的专业知识

So, you have your ILT material in hand and are eager to convert it into an effective eLearning course. What’s next?



  • 重新审视学习目标
  • 分析可用内容并填补所有空白
  • 制定适当的教学设计策略
  • 框架评估

Let us dive into the details of each step.

Revisit the Learning Objectives

Learning objectives are one of the cornerstones of any eLearning course. They should be performance-based, clear and quantifiable, and must be aligned to the business goals. They should in very clear terms inform the learner on what he will be able to do at the end of the course.

Eager to know what’s trending in the corporate training world? Explore the eLearning trends for 2022!



Analyze the Content and Fill Any Gaps

Once you have defined the learning objectives, the next step is to look at your available content. Collecting and analyzing the content for the eLearning course can be tedious as the content is usually available in multiple formats – PPT decks, PDFs, manuals, facilitator guides, white papers, and so on. Also, the classroom material could be lengthy and might contain outdated or irrelevant information.

That’s why it is crucial for the instructional designer to go through all the available content and identify the content that is relevant for the eLearning course.

And how can you identify the relevant material from the tons of available content?

这很简单!你保留所有的内容igned with your set learning objectives. And remove everything else. After that, go through the selected content to check if it is complete and accurate. In case there are gaps (that’s the usual case) or outdated content, take the help of the subject matter expert (SME) to fill those gaps and update content that has become obsolete.


核心内容到位后,您需要考虑教学策略。简而言之instructional design strategyis a high-level approach of how a topic must be taught to a particular target audience. So, obviously, the instructional strategy depends on:

  • 学习者
  • Learning objectives
  • Learning environment
  • Type of content

The right instruction strategy motivates and engages the learner and also compensates for the absence of an instructor. You need to retain the essence of the classroom in the eLearning, while still enabling self-paced anytime, anywhere learning.

Popular Instructional Design Strategies:

  • Guided learningthat uses characters/avatars to guide learners through the course
  • Scenario-based learning那将学习者放在他们通过执行任务或做出决定的情况下学习的情况
  • LEAD (Learning Through Exploration and Discovery)这使学习者可以虚拟地探索并与学习元素进行互动
  • Storytellingthat offers immersive learning and enhances retention
  • Simulationsthat mimic real-life environment to allow learners to explore, learn, and practice on a risk-free platform
  • Gamificationthat makes learning fun and motivates learners to complete the training




  • 形成性评估
  • 总结性评估

形成性评估are incorporated after each learning point or learning objective to reinforce learning. They are usually followed by feedback. Theassessmentcan be in the form of quizzes, polls, multiple-choice questions, fill in the blanks, drag and drop, match the following, and so on. Formative assessments are not scored.


电子学习courses offer the scope for seamless and continuous monitoring of the learning process and for implementing learning analytics with which it is easy to track learners’ progress at any given point during the course.

To Sum Up


  • Start with seeing what worked well in the classroom and ensure to have the same level of learner engagement in the eLearning course
  • Ensure collaboration between SMEs and instructional designers for quality content
  • 确保您的电子学习课程高度互动,以保持学习者的参与度

