2022年的电子学习趋势: What Should You Pick & Why?

We're back with a list of eLearning trends for 2022, like we do every year. This time, though, the focus is on utility rather than style! If you want to learn more about these eLearning trends, read on.

2022年的电子学习趋势: What Should You Pick & Why?

It’s tough to make out the differences between the lists of eLearning trends that have been produced in recent years. To be honest, they’re so alike that you could simply flip between eLearning trends from different years without anyone realizing.

However, there is a valid reason for this monotony:公司L&Dhas been static for a long time. Although there have been new training methodologies, authoring tools, and LMS capabilities, these eLearning trends haven’t been transformative. Or, at least, they weren’t until 2020.

Upskilling and reskilling are essential in today’s digital world. L&D must be hands-on with effective blended learning models and tools that make learning and communication seamless. So, let’s look at the highlights of everything that should be trending in your corporate training in 2022. Remember that the trend you pick for your organization should be based on what can genuinely change corporate L&D, not just what is in fashion.





根据2021工作场所学习报告通过LinkedIn学习,全球有64%的L&D专业人士认为L&D已经从“好的拥有”需要to have.” And L&D needs to transform from being mere order-takers to impact-makers! And that would entail L&D to:

  • 与组织的愿景和目标更加同步
  • Ensure that training programs are in line with company objectives
  • 展示培训有效性

Trend 2: The Shift from the Physical to the Virtual Space

Communication and learning have shifted to the virtual environment as firms adapted to virtual teams and remote workers. A huge number of organizations are shifting their budgets from ILT (classroom training) to online learning, as virtual (online) training has proved to be effective to ensure continuous training and to prepare employees to deal with change.


  • 沉浸式电子学习
  • 视频
  • 虚拟讲师主导的培训(vilt)
  • Microlearning
  • Knowledge databases and performance support

Let’s now take a closer look at some immersive eLearning strategies and how you can implement them in your training.



  • 通过让他打入名字来欢迎学习者,并在整个课程中用名字来解决他们,尤其是在给出反馈时。
  • 提供一个角色池(化身),并允许学习者选择自己的指南以使他们完成课程。
  • 提供基于角色的培训,使学习者可以根据自己的角色选择自己的学习路径。



  • 帮助学习者在无风险环境中处理现实情况的方案
  • Case studies to help strengthen their decision-making or conflict-resolution skills
  • Comic strips to add a light touch or as transitions

Trend 3: The Evolving 70:20:10 Model

With online training and social distancing, the scope for and importance of formal training is increasing – along with the need for collaborative learning. These changes have impacted the 70:20:10 model – the bedrock of corporate training – which is undergoing a shift to 55:25:20!

The 55:25:20 model is a perfect fit forblended learningwith different formats that will help build a robust training program.


Experiential (55%)

  • 基于方案的电子学习
  • 观看尝试模拟


  • Online Discussion Boards
  • User-generated Content


  • eLearning
  • 虚拟讲师主导
    Training (VILT)

For more insights on blended learning, get this eBook now.


Most organizations saw massive downsizing and restructuring to adapt and survive in the pandemic-ridden world. Upskilling and reskilling became the need of the hour due to:

  • 快速发展的过程和技术
  • 技能差距and the need to fill positions internally
  • 员工必须在不断变化的环境中工作并蓬勃发展


Clear learning paths that build the necessary skills and knowledge for a new job are an important part of these initiatives. There are a variety of ways to implement reskilling and upskilling initiatives, depending on your learning platform.



  • Onboarding
  • Technical Training
  • 领导力培训

Trend 6: The Modern Training Manager’s Toolkit

When it comes to tools, the modern training manager is no longer a newbie, opting for products that are simple to use and fulfil IT requirements.

Training managers need to be hands-on with authoring tools. LXPs (Learning Experience Platforms), and other tools that save time.

Popular eLearning authoring tools for rapid development:

  • Articulate Storyline
  • Adobe Captivate
  • Ispring


Most organizations have competent design teams in-house. They are, however, preferring to外包电子学习开发(有时也是设计)向外部供应商进行:

  • Meet the need for scalability and speed in rolling out training courses
  • Gain access to the vendor’s authoring tool expertise
  • 释放其内部团队进行高优先级,专有项目的工作
  • 享受无麻烦,无错误的翻译

To Summarize!

这是进入L&D团队的激动人心的时刻!创建可以提高员工绩效的学习解决方案!但是,要提供有效的结果并成为实际的影响力,L&D需要使用有效的混合模型和技术来实践,以使学习和沟通毫不费力。如果您是L&D领域的培训经理或工作,请加入网络研讨会“ Elearning Trends 2022:从战es中的视图”!

2022年的电子学习趋势: What Should You Pick & Why?