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身临其境的在线学习 - 新时代的公司培训工具

do you find it daunting to engage employees during online training sessions? Do your employees leave the course midway? Or worse, do they see online training as a punishment? Then maybe now is the time to bid adieu to your old training techniques and welcome a new-age training methodology – immersive learning. See how thrilled your learners will be at the idea of attending online training sessions once you incorporate immersive learning in your training courses.


尽管传统的基于课堂的培训具有许多优势,但身临其境的技术为学习者提供了一个参与式环境,具有很多范围,以提供更多的包容性学习。使用这种方法,L&D经理将能够提供成功的学习经验for all learners. With the digital environment accurately replicating real-life work scenarios, employees can perfect their skills before facing real-life business challenges.


  • Engaging with the course
  • 更快地提高他们的技能
  • 成为工作准备就绪
  • 增强他们的信心


In a bid to offer learners experiential learning, trainers try to replicate real-life situations using new-age digital technologies that include simulations, scenarios, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality, among others. Immersing learners in an artificial learning environment helps them experience the real-world use of the skills they are learning.



Simulationshelp learners improve their skills and workplace performance by providing an environment that closely mimics the real world. Learners tend to retain knowledge better when they work on the actual tool/software in a safe environment. The risk-free environment and immediate feedback are added advantages. While the former eliminates the fear of failure, the latter helps them work on shortcomings.


电子学习中的方案有助于学习和反思工作时的经验。一种流行的身临其境的学习技术,事实证明,它们非常有效,因为他们使学习者参与内容。可以在在线培训with animated characters, short stories, quizzes, games, and audio-visual elements. Not only do these engage learners but also help them grasp the information faster.

For instance, a scenario of how work-related risks can be averted in high-risk jobs can be very effectively used to increase learners’ awareness. Animated characters and their choices make the training more engaging for the learner as compared to passive learning. Authoring tools such as iSpring, Elucidit, BranchTrack, and Twine offer a variety of features to enhance learners’ experience.

3. Virtual Reality (VR)

Although virtual reality is not new, its use for corporate training is a relatively recent development. By fully immersing learners in an alternative digital space that replicates the real world, VR completely shuts out the physical world around them.

L&D经理今天正在使用不透明的耳机从眼睛,Google, HTC, and Samsung, to offer employees a distraction-free eLearning environment for training. The headphones and hand controllers available with the device enable learners to navigate in the virtual world.


Virtual Reality Use in Surgery




This technique of immersive training has applications in many fields such as sports broadcasts, route navigation, and gaming. Coming to eLearning, AR can be used to help learners quickly navigate through product warehouses and identify the items they are looking for. It saves them time and increases efficiency.



Adobe Captivate, CenarioVR, and Xplorer are popular authoring tools that help L&D teams include AR in e-learning courses.

5. Mixed Reality

Mixed reality, a combination of augmented and virtual realities, uses elements from both to offer learners a much better learning experience by placing virtual objects in the real world. This technology can be used to explain complex concepts to learners through 3D simulations. The ‘learning by doing’ also helps increase learner engagement.

Use of VR in Production Plant

Microsoft Hololens是一种帮助提高生产率在制造部门,医疗保健部门以及用于培训和教育目的。


1. Hands-on Skills Training

基于仿真的课程提供一个好方法employees hands-on training. The experiential learning experience provides them the opportunity to learn by doing. Using virtual learning platforms, tons of study material can be turned into captivating content for employees’ consumption.

Additionally, it also allows the creation of simulations and real-life reflection of the situations faced at work. This helps create a sense of empowerment in employees as they apply their knowledge and gain experience while performing the task.

For instance, learners of a new software can learn about the software and the kind of problems they may encounter while working on it. They can also practice their skills and improve them in hands-on programming labs.

2. Fewer Distractions, Greater Absorption


Immersive learning platforms provide learners a zero-distraction learning environment. Providing learners, the opportunity to use all their sensory organs captures their attention andfacilitates greater knowledge retention。因为当没有干扰时,谁不会吸收更多的东西,对吗?

3. Repetition – The First Principle of Learning


This repetition proves highly beneficial after training when they come across real-life business challenges. Additionally, immediate feedback serves to reinforce knowledge by correcting incorrect techniques.





身临其境的在线学习 - 新时代的公司培训工具