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5 Accelerators for Rapid eLearning Design and Development to Expedite the Learning Journey (Part 1 of 2)

The parallelism between life and learning is quite striking. It won’t be wrong to say that life and learning go hand in hand (just like fast-paced business goals and rapid eLearning). We, at every step of life, experience new things and learn from them. Therefore, life and learning are like a never-ending adventure! They take us through twists and turns, highs and lows, and moments of both triumph and defeat.

journey quote

But just as a seasoned traveler knows which roads to take and which shortcuts to avoid, there are certain elements that can help you accelerate the learning journey in rapid eLearning design and development.

These rapid eLearning accelerators will expedite your progress and get you to your destination faster. So, let’s check out the 5/10 accelerators for rapid eLearning design and development.

Are you ready?

5 Elements for Rapid eLearning Design and Development

Learning is a journey that never truly ends. So leverage these accelerators for your rapid eLearning design and development to reach your desired milestones faster!

Create Awareness

“The first step is often the hardest.” Let’s face it, starting a new learning journey can be daunting. Withstakeholders involvedorganiz,学习者有不同的学习风格ational growth and expectations, and resources, balancing it all out to ensure the best outcome can be challenging. But, taking the first step right is also the key to unlocking the door to a successful learning journey.

When you structure the learning journey inrapid eLearning design and development, creating awareness is where it all starts! So make sure you take this step right. To ensure that, help your learners understand the importance and benefits of investing their time and effort in the learning process. With that, they are more likely to be motivated and stay engaged throughout the learning journey which eventually leads to faster and more successful results.

Therefore, take the time out to create awareness among your learners from the very moment you decide to implement it! Leverage various social media platforms, online discussion groups, and even word-of-mouth to create a buzz about the upcoming training program.

→ Download Now: Rapid eLearning Design for Quick Rollout [eBook]

Foster Readiness

Tell me something! If you’re standing there idly and someone from behind pushes you. You’re most likely to land somewhere far away from where you were standing. Or probably you might even fall. Right? But if someone told you that someone is about to push you, you’ll be more prepared. Isn’t it? Similarly, when it comes to learning, your learners also need to be mentally and emotionally ready to absorb all new information and skills they will acquire during the training.

And by fostering this readiness, you are setting the foundation for a successful learning journey. You are enabling your learners to be better equipped to handle the challenges that come their way duringcorporate training. And with a ready mind and positive attitude, they have a higher chance of achieving their learning objectives and producing desired outcomes.

Gain Attention

ATTENTION!!Well, this is what I’ll be talking about in the given section. Whether it’s your crush or an investor or the audience,gaining attentioncan be a tough nut to crack! But as difficult as it might be, it is absolutely essential to ensure desirable results in corporate training. If you have the attention of your audience, consider half the battle won. But how can you get attention is the main question.

Well, to do so, you should start with a catchy and interesting introduction. It can be anything intriguing and relevant that hooks the learners for the entire training program. Because once you have their attention, now you just need to hold on to it!

create a hook

By doing so, you’re not only gaining their attention but also setting the stage for what’s to come. You can also share some infographics, snippets, and even trailers to keep the learners attentive and engaged.

Stimulate Recall

Evident from the name itself, this element in the learning journey involves building new knowledge on prior existing knowledge. That’s right! It helps you understand where your learners are right now in terms of their knowledge and skills. Apart from that, it also enables your learners to connect the dots and refresh the information they already know.

To assess what your learners’ already know and are good at, you can incorporate variousassessmentsand quizzes before starting the training session. The recall aspect in the learning journey allows the learners to feel confident in their prior knowledge. With that part done right, they are more equipped to acquire new information in an effective and motivated manner.

Presenting New Information

Well, this is where the rubber meets the road!

如果你遇到一个投资者,你会把哟ur best foot forward, right? Well, your learners are no different! They’re investing their time and effort into your training program, hoping for better, more productive returns such as improved performance, new skills, etc., that help them in their career growth. And now, it’s up to you to deliver the training in a way that’s both informative and captivating.

So, how do you do that? Well, this can be done in a variety of ways. But the key player here is theinstructional design strategies! (Of course, you knew it!) Some of the effective and amazing instructional design strategies include gamification, simulation, case studies, storytelling, and scenario-based learning.

Check out this video to learn how to use storytelling in eLearning effectively.

In fact, when you’re presenting new information in a way that’s both informative and engaging, you’re setting your learners up for success. If you’re wondering how? Well, it’s because they’re more likely to stay interested and invested in the training. This, in turn, leads to better learning outcomes.

So, go ahead and pull out all the stops in your learning journey with these 5 elements. And stay tuned for another 5 coming your way!

Parting Thoughts!

Now that we’re successfully halfway through knowing the accelerators for rapid eLearning design and development, it’s time to put them to practice. These seemingly simple steps require a lot of effort and planning to ensure an effective, structured eLearning journey that yields desired results. Stay tuned to find out the remaining 5 accelerators in our upcoming blog. Before that, to help you be on top of your game, here’s an eBook on rapid eLearning design for quick rollout. Check it out now!

Rapid eLearning Design for Quick Rollout