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When Should You Say Yes to Rapid eLearning?

Rapid eLearning is a training & development approach that focuses on speed. This works on the principle of removing any unwanted information and concentrating only on the crux of the matter.

Here, the emphasis is on speed and efficiency without compromising the quality of the learning experience. These courses are developed with the help of rapid authoring tools, which facilitate quick module creation by using pre-designed templates and learner-centric module creation tools. It is not just about creating content, but about creating smart content.

Elements of Rapid eLearning

1. Speed

Speed is an important aspect ofRapid eLearningby breaking down the training content into interactive learning modules, rapid eLearning ensures a speedy delivery and execution of these modules. It also enables organizations to adapt and update training materials promptly and in a cost-effective manner.

2. Visual Elements

It often incorporates multimedia elements like images, videos, audio clips, etc. This helps the trainers add elements of storytelling to make the content more appealing. And with the use of a responsive instructional design interface. The modules can look visually appealing through any device.

3. Collaboration

相比传统方法,类风湿性关节炎pid eLearning eliminates touch points during the process of course creation. This can be done by introducing instructional designers, subject matter experts (SMEs), and other stakeholders right at the beginning of module creation process. Which reduces the feedback period, at the later stage.

4. Ready to use Templates

Here, pre-designed templates and standardized layouts are used to allow easy customization of the course elements. This provides a consistent structure for content delivery.

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5. Quick Assessment

快速电子学习模块利用快速和容易assessment tools. With quick polls, crisp quizzes, and precise questionnaires, assessment becomes fast and effortless. This leads to prompt recognition of learning gaps, and one can start working on filling them instantly.

Some Scenarios Where You Should go for Rapid eLearning

1. Time Crunch

RapideLearningaims at speed, and simplification of the training content.

It targets on providing, only the important information to the learners rather than overwhelming them with long information modules. This is done by segregating nice-to-know information from must-know information. Thus, leading to a quick and simplified delivery of the required module.

It not only helps in creating the learning modules in a short time but also helps in deploying them with speed. By using elements of microlearning like podcasts, videos, and games, it makes the learning process easy and enjoyable.

2. Remote Workforce

With the lack of body language cues, a trainer may not be able to understand how much information, is too much information at the time of training remote teams. That’s why removing the fancy frills from training modules can help increase the engagement rate. As when only important information is delivered, participants tend to remain proactive during the complete duration of the training.

3. Just-in-Time Training

In situations where employees require immediate access to information, rapid eLearning can be counted-on without any doubt. Some examples of such a situation are when employees need to understand a new software application or troubleshoot a problem quickly. Also, in case of a product launch when the product knowledge must be circulated fast so that there is no confusion among different processes. Some authoring tools which can help in this regard areiSpring SuiteandLectora Online. Rapid eLearning can help in designing microlearning modules that facilitate just-in-time training.

Do you want to know more about leveraging AI tools for high impact microlearning? Then,register nowfor our upcoming webinar.

Bullet points for scenarios for rapid eLearning

4. Availability of a Legacy Course

If your organization has been providing employee training consistently, you would have a repository of valuable modules by now. However, with time, some modules may have become inaccessible. Due to reasons like outdated information or technology. While content with outdated information can be discarded, discarding content with valid information is a waste of an important resource. Such courses can be upgraded by using rapid authoring tools. Thus, rapid authoring tools can help you use the training budget optimally.

5. Need for customization

It also facilitates the customization of modules for different groups. We know that Gen Y and Gen Z have very different learning needs. Andrapid eLearninghelps in distributing the same module with suitable changes for each group of participants. Not to mention, these courses can always be made more engaging by adding elements likequizzes, drag-and-drop activities, and reflective questions.

Wrapping up the Discussion

Rapid eLearning can be a cost-effective way to deliver training in a short time. One needs to understand that just because it’s rapid it doesn’t mean there is a compromise on quality in any way. It just removes the bells and whistles from the information and presents it appealingly. This makes the content highly scalable.

Rapid eLearning also prioritizes user engagement. And thus, emphasizes an appealing user interface. It is a complete package that offers learner-centric eLearning solutions at speed and scale. Want to know how rapid eLearning can help you fulfill your training goals? Access our pre-recorded webinar to get expert insights on the 4Rs of rapid eLearning.