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How and Why AI Videos Are a Gamechanger in The Corporate World

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing how we learn, and eLearning and corporate training are no exception. The rise of AI-powered videos has brought a new level of interactivity and engagement to many industries. AI videos incorporate ML and DL technologies for now, with more creative innovations popping off lately. They’re designed to be interactive and engaging, using techniques like personalized learning, adaptive learning, and natural language processing.

AI videos can be used in a variety of things, including eLearning courses, corporate training programs, and online training sessions. In this blog post, we’ll explore how AI videos are used in eLearning and corporate training, how AI is applied to normal videos, and check out a few of their benefits.

Importance of AI Videos in The Corporate World

AI videosare used in eLearning to give interesting content that is adapted to the needs of each learner. Based on a learner’s interests, learning preferences, and progress, AI-powered learning systems recommend particular clips to provide tailored learning experiences. These videos can address subjects including soft skill development, compliance training, and product training. When we are talking about videos, here’s a short video to help you understand the need for microlearning videos for various types of corporate training sessions.

AI videos can also be easily scaled to meet the needs of global organizations with a large and dispersed workforce. AI videos are highly effective in delivering corporate training programs. By using AI to automate the content creation and delivery process, corporate training programs can be delivered to a large number of employees seamlessly. AI videos can be used inemployee onboarding合规培训,领导力发展,soft skills training, and product training, enabling organizations to provide employees with interactive and engaging learning experiences.

Companies may deliver more efficient training programs that are tailored to each employee’s function and skill level with the use of AI. They can be utilized in traditional classrooms, online courses, and eLearning platforms. AI videos enable instructors to present complex concepts in a visually appealing and interactive manner, making learning more engaging and accessible for employees of all ages and backgrounds. As a bonus advantage, AI helps organizations save the manual efforts of creating videos from scratch.

4 Leading Industries Where AI Videos Are Highly Useful

1. Healthcare

AI videos can be used in the healthcare industry for various purposes. They can be used to train medical professionals about new medical advancements, procedures, or treatment protocols. Additionally, AI videos can be utilized to communicate health-related information to patients in an interactive and easily understandable manner, empowering them with knowledge about their conditions, treatment options, and preventive measures.

2. Marketing and Advertising

人工智能视频为市场提供创新的机会ting and advertising campaigns. They can be used to create personalized and targeted video advertisements based on customer preferences and behaviors. AI videos can also be utilized for interactive product demonstrations, showcasing features and benefits in a visually captivating manner. For instance, AI algorithms can analyze customer behavior, browsing history, and demographic information to deliver tailored video content that resonates with individual viewers. By presenting relevant and engaging video ads, businesses can enhance customer engagement, increase conversion rates, and drive sales.

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3. Entertainment and Media

AI videos have transformative applications in the entertainment and media industry. They can be used to create interactive storytelling experiences and personalized recommendations. For instance, AI algorithms can analyze user preferences, viewing history, and feedback to suggest relevant content, improving user engagement and satisfaction. AI videos can also be utilized forimmersive virtual reality (VR) experiences, where users can explore virtual environments and interact with AI-generated characters or scenarios.

In the realm of visual effects, AI videos can enhance the production process by automating tasks such as rotoscoping, object removal, and scene reconstruction. This speeds up post-production workflows and enables more realistic and visually stunning effects in movies, television shows, and video games. Overall, AI videos offer exciting opportunities for creative storytelling, personalized experiences, and cutting-edge visual effects in the entertainment and media industry.

4. Customer Support

AI videos can revolutionize customer support experiences by providing instructional and troubleshooting videos. When customers encounter issues or have questions, they can access video resources that guide them through the resolution process. For example, a company could create a series of AI-powered videos demonstrating how to set up or troubleshoot common problems with their products. These videos can be easily accessed on websites, through mobile apps, or via AI-powered chatbots.

By offering visual guidance and step-by-step instructions, AI videos help customers resolve issues more independently, reducing the need for extensive customer support interactions. This improves customer satisfaction, saves time for both customers and support agents, and enables a more efficient support process.

Benefits of Using AI Videos for eLearning and Corporate Training

1.Provides Personalized Training

AI-powered视频可能会根据每个学习者的s requirements, offering a morepersonalized learning experiencethan conventional learning techniques. An AI-powered eLearning platform, for instance, can suggest videos on the subject to a learner who is interested in learning about machine learning based on their prior behavior and workplace record. Alternatively, if a learner is having trouble understanding a certain subject, the platform may suggest videos that are simpler or offer extra resources to aid in their understanding.

2.Allows Adaptive Learning

AI videos may change the material and tempo based on each learner’s progress to keep learners interested and on task. For instance, an AI-powered eLearning platform might show more difficult content to keep a learner engaged if they are moving swiftly through a course. On the other hand, if a learner is having trouble understanding a certain topic, the platform may offer more examples or activities to help them understand the subject.

3.Increases Engagement

AI videos are designed to be interactive and engaging, using techniques likegamificationand simulations to make learning more fun and memorable. For example, an AI-powered training program for a sales team might use a simulation to help learners practice their sales pitch in a virtual environment. Alternatively, an eLearning platform might use gamification techniques, such as milestones, badges, points, and leaderboards, to keep learners engaged and motivated.

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4.Improves Retention

Natural language processing is used in AI movies to produce content that is simple to comprehend and retain, helping learners retain the information. To make it simpler for learners to examine the material afterward, an AI-powered eLearning platform, for instance, might employ natural language processing to provide captions or transcripts for videos. Additionally, a training program driven by AI might use natural language processing to give an employee feedback on their communication abilities, enabling them to perform better.

5.Saves Time and Money

Companies can deliver more effective training programs in less time and at a lesser cost with the use of AI-powered learning systems. In order to provide new hires the skills necessary for their jobs, an AI-powered training program might, for instance, use simulations and interactivemicrolearning videos. This would eliminate the need for expensive on-the-job training. Similar to this, an AI-powered eLearning platform may use data to pinpoint areas where learners are having difficulty and then offer specific resources to help them get better, cutting down on the time and expense of retraining.

Parting Thoughts!

AI videos have become an important tool in the corporate world due to their ability to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of corporate training and communication. By incorporating AI videos into their training programs, organizations can improve employee engagement, increase retention and application of knowledge, and reduce costs. Its one of the latest trends that shows no signs of stopping as of now, and if you are curious to know more about other trends that are equally flamboyant in the corporate world, you can check out our free eBook “eLearning Trends 2023: A View From The Trenches” and keep yourself ahead of your competition. Grab the ebook now!

eLearning Trends 2023 – The View from the Trenches