为什么ISPRING SUITE MAX恰好适合快速电子学习?


Ispring Suite Max,以快速开发电子学习课程

t由于技术突破和产品周期的快速速度,他对电子学习的要求从未超过现在,而且现在课堂培训不再是可行的选择。作为一名培训经理,您始终正在寻找创建内容和互动互动融合的方法,以确保学习者参与度,而无需花费大量时间和精力。创作工具是您搜索的答案,因为它们可以帮助使整个学习开发的过程更加高效和无缝。Ispring Suite Max是提供很多可提供的最佳快速创作工具之一。

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什么是Ispring Suite Max?

Ispring Suite Max是ISPring Suite电子学习创作工具包的最新版本,可提供最大功能with最小的努力。这包括:

  • iSpring Suite authoring tool
  • 临时内容库——一个图书馆lates and assets
  • Ispring空间 - 合作

What does it offer? So, shall we look at these in some detail now?

iSpring Suite

iSpring is one of the best and most cost-effective tools available today. It has a very low learning curve, and its features are particularly useful for the rapid design and development of:

Self-paced courses

  • With just a few clicks, you can turn your fully designed PowerPoint storyboards into self-paced online courses.
  • All PowerPoint effects and transitions are retained during the conversion.



  • Create迷人的评估– This is a piece of cake with 14 question templates that include MCQs, sequencing, point and click, fill-in-the-blanks, and more.
  • 快速创建在线调查 - 为整个组织或一小组组成。
  • 开发分支方案。
  • 通过随机问题来使评估备忘录。

Dialog simulations


  • Employees on how to speak clearly and practice in a fail-safe environment
  • 销售代表和呼叫中心运营商与客户沟通

Pro Tip

You can convert old scripts into enthralling role-play dialogue simulations. Just choose a character and construct the dialogue scenario with a simple drag-and-drop editor. There are no design or technical abilities required.


Ispring Suite Max允许您录制视频讲座,提供观看和重复说明并开发软件模拟。

  • 创建基于视频的培训课程:您可以在每张幻灯片中添加一个背景故事,以使其更有趣,记录或导入屏幕截图,或者在PowerPoint中提供叙述和注释,并使用ISPring(以引导观众完成流程的步骤)。
  • 在易于使用的工作室中编辑视频:You may fine-tune your videos, add special effects, text, audio clips, or update your course seamlessly with the built-in video studio, without using any additional software.

How do you ensure training material is ready for eLearning?

iSpring Content Library


  • 450 slide templates (with different themes)
  • 65,000个字符图像
  • 1,025个位置图像

iSpring Space

Ispring Space是一个为开发人员和主题专家(SME)进行电子学习的平台,可以协作和审查其工作。它使电子学习者可以在项目上工作,并且完成后,将其发送到中小企业以进行审查和反馈。这是您可以在Ispring空间中做的一些事情:

Develop courses collaboratively

Project files are stored properly and easily accessible in iSpring Space. eLearning developers need to simply email the link to the project stakeholders and SMEs to get their work reviewed.


您可以在线创建课程和测验,而无需安装任何内容。您所需要的只是Internet访问和ISPRING空间 - 只需插入文本,图像,动画,视频,然后就完成了!


Reviewing and approving eLearning courses can become very simple, efficient, and quick with iSpring Space.

  • 与其跟踪几份副本和更新,不如向利益相关者发送指向课程的链接并获得反馈。
  • 中小型企业无需安装任何内容即可审查电子学习课程。他们可以简单地使用链接和凭据登录和审查。

Wrapping up!

Cloud-based or online authoring tools使创建电子学习课程变得容易得多。Ispring Suite Max是电子学习开发人员的理想解决方案,因为它允许快速学习设计和开发。

iSpring’s user-friendly interface works within PowerPoint and is compatible with a variety of LMSs. When it comes to creating personalized courses, iSpring is the quickest and easiest authoring tool to use, saving you a significant amount of development time and work.

快速电子学习可以大规模地,迅速和质量解决所有公司培训需求!4 r Rs快速电子学习为所有培训需求提供解决方案。重新发布移动兼容性,重建旧课程作为微学习模块,记录以节省中小型企业的时间,并重新设计课堂培训到在线学习。立即下载此迷你指南,以发现有关快速电子学习的更多信息!

Ispring Suite Max,以快速开发电子学习课程